Friday 14 May 2010


Parrilla al Carbon
Villa Crespo
Buenos Aires

Parrilla al Carbon is typically Argentine, a real spit and sawdust, no fuss restaurant. Don't be put off by the general shabbiness of the place, or the tired looking tables and that there are no menus because the food is excellent, so get practising your spanish! The waiter will quick fire the menu at you, if it leaves you dumbfounded don't worry, here's what's on offer...

Chorizo, their very own homemade spicey sausages made from beef, and you can see stacks of them next to the parrilla, this is why I like to call the place 'The Sausage Factory'. Quite often in Buenos Aires you'll find that the chorizo sausage has big lumps of fat in them, but not here, so chomp away!


Next up is the BEEF!

Bife de chorizo - sirloin or rump

Bife de lomo - tenderloin

Vacio - neither skirt or flank but something in between, it sort of resembles brisket, but juicier, it's a classic cut so give it a go

Entrana - skirt, delicious, its a real treat to get it here, because its not often on the menu

Chicken is also available, but I highly recommend sampling the beef, also try the grilled provolone from the parrilla, and don't forget to ask for the salsas, perfect condiments that go with all the dishes, chimchurri (herby) and and 'The One With No Name' (parsley, garlic and olive oil) they'll bring both out for you.

It's open every day for lunch and dinner, apart from Sunday, cash only, and its very popular especially in the evenings, so get there early! No reservations. Approx $40 (10 US dollars) pesos per person.

It's only a block away from the shops on Gurruchaga, so it's ideal for a lunch time pit stop.

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